Proxima – kitchens made to optimise space

By Gafencu
Aug 29, 2024

Superb new addition to Arclinea Collection

Designed and coordinated by Antonio Citterio, the latest model added to the Arclinea Collection – Proxima –is a highly equipped, high-performing, and professional product, which integrates large American appliances, and emphasizes their personality with stronger details such as its handle, innovative in design and size.

The handle is featured along the entire perimeter of the island and, at full height on the wall units, defines the look of the kitchen while making the opening of doors and drawers extremely easy. A kitchen designed for people and their passions, that becomes a place of experimentation, as well as a convivial space.

“I designed this kitchen thinking of a space to be experienced,” designer Antonio Citterio explains.“ The kitchen as a space to be shared, not a separate service area, has always been one of the great topics of Arclinea, of my work with Arclinea. Proxima should suggest the idea of a place to be enjoyed, where everything is extremely performing and evocative of the pleasure of preparing for others, and with others. Proxima is an object to be lived for real, a very communicative and empathic product.”

Ease of access with Proxima

As the name suggests, Proxima aims to encourage proximity, both physical: the ease with which one can access and use cooking tools, and metaphorical: shortening cultural distances in the preparation and consumption of foods, achieving a contamination of codes and styles able to give life to something never seen before.

In the configuration with a large stainless steel island, cooktop with integrated oven, horizontal handle and American modularity, Proxima expresses the evolution of minimalist design where function defines the final image.

Hortus for herbs

Well displayed in the Milan flagship store, Proxima is showcased together with the brand new Hortus, a piece of furniture designed for growing aromatic herbs and small vegetables. Hortus joins the Duet collection, characterized by the double large coplanar doors. Hortus represents the integration in the Arclinea design of the domestic version of a hydroponic cultivation controlled by a software, which offers the possibility of always having fresh and organic products for the table or as the final touch of a preparation. A piece of furniture that both embodies the theme of “show kitchen”, ever so important for the brand and Citterio, and the recurring dualism of Arclinea: an extremely functional appliance with a great aesthetic value.

Inverso column

Another new element is the Inverso column unit, which interprets the transition between open and close through an impressive solution. Thanks to a sophisticated mechanism, the inside of the cabinet can be completely rotated outwards achieving an ideal aesthetic result. Inverso offers the freedom to customize the storage space – some elements can be hidden while others put on display – thus working as a particularly functional component in the integration between kitchen and living room.

In the second configuration of this new product, Proxima with lacquered door and Era System snack table adopts a European modularity and encloses the appliances into the wall units, assuming a more “domestic” mood, while maintaining the features of a hyper-equipped space for experimentation and culinary creativity.