Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022
A prosperous year is in the stars – though some animals are likely to prosper more than others. Generally, though, the Year of the Tiger is billed to be an auspicious one, setting an even playing field for all 12 Chinese zodiac signs. Yet, as the balance of energies between yin and yang shifts, unpredictable and often challenging circumstances will arise in the wake of a changing landscape.
The year ahead will find finances, romance and health in flux, but those who are cautious in their investments and choose their friends wisely will be better positioned to profit down the line. If you have the patience and resilience to weather the rocky road ahead, the later months will bring monetary reward and, yes, luck in love.
Here’s what’s on the slate for each animal sign of the Chinese zodiac…
1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Since it’s the Year of the Tiger, the self-confident, competitive feline will be in conflict with Tai Sui, the Guardian God of the Year, meaning major life changes are expected for those born under the sign. If marriage and children were not on the cards last year, 2022 may bring a proposal – or a break up. But the fierce feline has also been blessed by the powerful relationship star, which offers hope to singletons looking to settle down. Issues may also arise over health and finances; be cautious, Tigers, when you decide to travel or invest.
1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Under the star of temporary relationships, those born in the zodiac sign of the Rabbit are likely to enjoy a sudden shift in positive attention from colleagues and superiors. This may enable these gentle, skilful creatures to work more efficiently, boosting their career prospects or business ventures to immediate reward. But Rabbits should be wary of temptations this year. Their increased popularity and positive influence on those around them could elevate their luck in love – or it might backfire. Avoid any potential messy situation as a possible love triangle will only end messily.
1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Dragons are in a distant union with the year’s guardian god, implying that fortune will appear in the form of aid or support from afar. There’s a good chance that foreign investments and international partnerships will prosper. Business travel is likely to result in a successful deal, but hard work will be required before any discernible pay off. Dragons shouldn’t be afraid of asserting themselves to control their destiny this year – which is no huge leap for these intelligent, ambitious creatures.
1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
While Snakes enjoyed seamless social interaction last year, the tide has now turned and they are likely to be plagued by gossip and trivial disputes. Although career and finances will not be heavily affected by this negative energy, if small matters are not settled promptly, they may become weighty and troublesome, affecting mood, temperament, memory and relationships. The insightful Snake might find it helpful to cut back on outside entertainment and spend quality time with family and those who’ve always had their back.
1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Horses are in harmony with the guardian god of the year, affording them greater stability and improved relationships at work and home. Reaping the benefits of a helpful support system, these active, energetic animals should be able to ascend their respective social and career ladders, thus expanding their inner circle and boosting their reputation. However, success may also spawn jealousy and petty disputes. Don’t be blindsided; stay competitive yet humble so you can canter smoothly through the year.
1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
2021 was a turbulent year for the shy, amicable Goat, but their luck is about to turn. A change in relationship, career and / or living environment will provide a more comfortable building block. New partners, children and homes will be sources of joy, while a profitable return affords a surer footing. So, if you have been putting off that large, indulgent purchase, this year would be the best time to treat yourself, though bear in mind that the larger the sum, the heavier the bill.
1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Last year the witty, adventurous Monkey was blessed by the relationship star, but now a shift in fortune may prompt a proposal, pregnancy or even a break-up. For the uncommitted, this is the year to discuss long-term matters like marriage or children. While this instability may have Monkeys scrambling for solutions, they are advised to pace themselves lest they make decisions they live to regret. Outside such matters of the heart, though, the lucky stars are aligned with their sign; big problems should get smaller, and small problems disappear.
1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
2021 was an exciting year for the talented Rooster. But come 2022, their happy rollercoaster of life will slow down, perhaps too much so. They might experience a sudden dip in motivation and energy as they hit a career bump, or their personal or relationship goals stagnate. While these resourceful, courageous creatures are often itching for change, they are advised to proceed with caution and consider each decision carefully, since it could determine their fortune for the rest of the year.
1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
More money, more time and more capital – Dogs are blessed with abundance and prosperity in 2022, although personal circumstances and health issues may tell a different story. These loyal, prudent creatures are advised to avoid gossip and adopt a healthier diet to stay lucky and energetic. Business affairs abroad may also reap rewards, while local opportunities wane. Stay connected to the latest trends in order to build stronger professional relationships; there is no limit to Dogs learning new tricks this year.
1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
The diligent, amiable Pig is fortunately in sync with the guardian god of 2022, meaning they are less likely to face major upheaval in their romantic, career or home life. They may bask in the glow of this auspicious energy for the next couple of years, thanks to their habit of sticking to routine, especially when confronted by unexpected events. While it’s best to avoid changing jobs now – the economy may not improve until the second half of the year – push for that promotion you’ve been eyeing, or strengthen your existing network to boost the chance of your lucky star turning mishap into marvel.
1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Rats will find it harder to get along with others as they undergo a major upheaval, either in terms of living space – it is said to be an auspicious year for Rats to move house – or travelling to a new place. Though they are likely to be on unstable ground for the first few months of the year, there will be no significant downturns in their situation. Liberated by the change in scenery, these quick-witted, versatile souls are advised to learn a new skill and hone it – before further shifts befall them towards the end of the year.
1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Love is in the air for Oxen this year. The relationship star is shining over them, boosting interpersonal liaisons. Good fortune and abundance hover on the horizon as well; all these dependable, decisive animals must do is push past the mishaps and misfortunes lingering from last year. With the way then clear for luck to work its magic, the Ox will be led to bigger and better wins in their personal and professional lives.